PeopleSoft Image Catalog Utility



I’m always looking for an appropriate image for my page. A button, an icon… something to improve the UI and help the user accomplish their task more efficiently.

Delivered PeopleSoft contains thousands of images and your implementation probably added many more.

Ironically, PeopleTools does not contain any delivered viewer for the images in it’s system. In the latest “PeopleSoft Planned Features and Enhancements” (Doc ID 1966243.2), Oracle has finally relented to adding a viewer for developers to see the images they are adding to the pages

A new page will be introduced to allow configuration specialists to browse and view images. This will also be introduced as a modal prompt during the selection of images for tile configuration.

Doc ID 1966243.2 – PeopleSoft Planned Features and Enhancements

Until PeopleSoft delivers this new functionality, we have to make due with custom utilities like this one.

The PeopleSoft Image Catalog is a simple utility allowing a developer to search for images by name, description or type and see the image object on the page instead of just relying on the image object name to be descriptive (it’s not).


The post contains a zipped PeopleTools 8.59 project with all the objects and code for the PeopleSoft Image Catalog.

  • Import into your development environment
  • Add the menu/component to a permission list of your choosing
  • Change navigation path as needed using Portal Structure and Content

Basic Interface

Search using either the Image Type, Image Name or Description fields, or a combination of any or all.

The Image Name and Description search will return any image containing the search string anywhere in the name. No need to append “%” to the search criteria.

Images are displayed as actual size. You will have to use either PeopleTools image controls in classic or CSS in fluid to control how the image displays on your page.

Randall Groncki

Oracle ACE ♠ PeopleTools Developer since 1996 Lives in Northern Virginia, USA

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3 thoughts on “PeopleSoft Image Catalog Utility

  1. The Navigation Collection image override contains a similar search. It is what I’ve been using until recently. One difference is the Navigation Collection version shows the image dimensions. In recent HCM PUMs, this has caused problems with SVG files that don’t have an XML prolog. I’m hoping the upcoming PeopleSoft image viewer doesn’t show image dimensions for this reason.

    1. Another great option.
      I occasionally get PeopleCode errors there.
      But at the very least, I probably should add the description field to the grid in my utility.

      1. I just added the DESCR field to the page as both a filter and result grid.

        Hopefully this is a little more helpful.

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