Developers always need access to the file servers for logs, traces, input and output files. I’ve developed this utility to speed development tasks of managing files associated with PeopleTools projects. I’ve used this in several of my videos when I want to show file results of PeopleTools processing.
This utility is NOT meant to be used in Production environments. This utility assumes the user has complete access to the report server as the admin account running the App Server.
This utility sees the directories as per the Application server it’s running. Depending on your implementation architecture, it may or may not see file generated by other App Servers or Report Servers.
This tool is very useful in PUM and development environments where the technology stack is small or even just one server.
There are other utilities available, but they are larger and require more continuous configuration and security maintenance. If you need a production tool created with end users in mind utilizing multi-level security and finer control, take a look at CY2’s PeopleSoft Directory Viewer.
The post contains a zipped PeopleTools 8.59 project with all the objects and code for the File Manager.
- Import into your development environment
- Add the X_LOGFILE_UTIL permission list to a developers role
- Change navigation path as needed using Portal Structure and Content
- Choose initial Navigation Path method
Basic Interface

The utility works much like a common file manager:
- The current navigation path at the top of the page. This can be changed by the user to whatever path is needed
- Find button
retrieves a list of files and directories in the File Path box
- The Up One Directory
button changes to the current path’s parent directory
- The “Include SubDirectories” checkbox toggles selection behavior
- Selected performs a recursive selection of all files and subdirectories of the current path
- Unselected retrieves only the files and subdirectories of that path
- The folder icon
is a button that drills down the fiew on that chosen folder
- The files icon
downloads that file to the user’s system.
- Depending on file type and browser settings, the file will pop to a new browser tab or land in the Downloads folder
- The delete icon
deletes that file from the server
- The Attach button
uploads a file to the current directory from the user’s workstation.
- The grid is sort-able
Changing the Initial path
The X_LOGFILE_UTIL:X_LogFile_Finder class contains a method Set_Default_URL(). Change this method to use a URL definition for the default location in the &Default_URL string instead of deriving the temp data file location from a new file.
method Set_Default_URL
/+ Returns String +/;
Local integer &i;
Local PSXP_RPTDEFNMANAGER:Utility &o_Utility = create PSXP_RPTDEFNMANAGER:Utility();
Local string &Str_File_Name = "Test.txt";
Local File &File_Test = GetFile(&Str_File_Name, "W", %FilePath_Relative);
Local string &Str_Default_File_Directory = &File_Test.Name;
&File_Test = GetFile(&Str_Default_File_Directory, "R", %FilePath_Absolute);
&Default_URL = &o_Utility.GetDirectoryFromPath(&Str_Default_File_Directory);
Return &Default_URL;
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