About PT3

PeopleTools Tech Tips is a place share Tips and “How To” videos about Oracle’s PeopleTools platform.

The YouTube channel and this site are all about giving back to the tech community that’s had our backs for so long. Let’s be real, none of us figured all this out by ourselves. A lot of the stuff you find here is just me sharing the awesome insights I’ve picked up from those who’ve helped me out. I’m definitely just “standing on the shoulders of giants,” as Bernard of Chartres put it.

I post video demos of most of my tips on our YouTube Channel: PeolpleTools Tech Tips

Other than being an Oracle Ace, I’m not owned or affiliated with Oracle other than most of my career and work revolve around PeopleTools.

You can reach me at randy@peopletoolstechtips.com

Randy Groncki
Randy is an Oracle Ace Pro working as a PeopleSoft Developer since 1996 in both the public and commercial sectors, including several years with PeopleSoft (Employee #7679).

He lives in Northern Virginia, USA.

Randy Groncki
Randy Groncki
Oracle Ace Pro

PeoleTools Tech Tips